Institutional Governance
UAA faculty, staff, and students participate in the governance of the institution through long-standing structures. These include the Faculty Senate, and its boards and standing committees; the Staff Council; and the Union of Students of the University of Alaska Anchorage (USUAA). Each group also has representation on a range of institution-wide committees, as well as on UA System-wide governance councils.
Each of these formal governance bodies conducts business according to its constitution and bylaws, which outline the authority, roles, and responsibilities on matters in which they have a direct and reasonable interest. Meetings are open, and agendas and minutes, as well as other guiding documents, are posted on the website. Please see the constitution and bylaws of each governance group for specifics about their purpose, roles, and responsibilities.
At UAA, the Faculty Senate and Staff Council are supported by the chancellor’s office, through the governance coordinator, who maintains this website. The Union of Students of UAA has its own Union of Students website and is supported by Student Affairs.
Governance Listservs
Grace Gallagher, Governance Coordinator
3211 Providence Dr., ADM 219
Anchorage, AK 99508
(907) 786-1994 or