Panel: Questioning the Marketplace

Day 1, Afternoon Session II, 3:30 pm - 5:10 pm, RH 110

(Theme: Business of Food: Land and Sea)

  1. “Interrogating the Marketplace of Food,” Joan Gross, Oregon State University
  2. “The Philanthrocapitalist and the Farmer,” Halie Kampman
  3. “Beyond Sustainability to Regenerative Ecosphere: Lessons from Field and Food,” Stu Shafer, Johnson County Community College
  4. “Eco-labeled Sea-foods in Canada: What Does A Consumer Survey Tell Us?” Tony Winson, University of Guelph & Jin Young Choi, Sam Houston State University
  5. “A Modest Proposal: Entomophagy and the Education of Desire,” Paolina Lu, New York University