Panel: Culinary Tourism

Day 1, Morning Session I, 8:30 am - 10:10 am, ESH 206

(Theme: Food and Marketplace)

Panel organizer & chair: Shayan Lallani, University of Ottawa

  1. “Our National Treasure”: The Appropriation of Fermented Mare’s Milk in Health and Wellness Tourism in Russia,” Maya Peterson, UC Santa Cruz
  2. “Island Nights and Umukai”: The Reinvention of ‘Traditional’ Cuisine for Tourists to the Cook Islands,” Hannah Cutting-Jones, University of Oregon
  3. "The World on a Ship: Producing Cosmopolitan Dining on Mass-Market Cruises," Shayan Lallani, University of Ottawa
  4. “Food Markets as Urban Renewal: Ethnicity and Tourism in Postwar Toronto,” Jeffrey Pilcher & Joel Dickau, University of Toronto