Statewide Conferences

Past Serving Offenders Statewide Conferences

This annual conference is sponsored by grant funds provided by the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority in partnership with the UAA Center for Human Development to help increase the capacity for communities to serve Trust Beneficiaries who are Offenders to reduce recidivism and promote safe and healthy Alaskan communities.




The 5th Annual Statewide Conference on Serving Offenders with Cognitive Impairments "Transitioning into the Community" was  held in Anchorage on March 15-16, 2010 and offered two separate tracts presented by two national experts,  Dr. Patricia Zapf of Massachusetts and James Haaven of Oregon.


2010 Conference Participant Manual (PDF 2.64MB)


Revised Presentations for Intermediate Tract


Changing Offenders’ Behavior (PDF 336KB)


CEO Learning Institute Report August 2007 (PDF 88KB)


Federal Funding & Services for Prisoner Reentry (PDF 196KB)


Identifying & Managing Criminal Thinking Patterns in Lower Functioning Populations (PDF 1.5MB)


Offender Transition Program Resource Manual (PDF 1MB)


Preparing the Community for Reentry (PDF 1.6MB)


Preparing the Offender for Reentry (PDF 272KB)


Skills Training for Lower Functioning Offender Populations (PDF 376KB)


OES Training Manual (PDF 11.1MB)


Offender Workforce Development Specialist Implementation Log (PDF 92KB)


Problem Solving Handout (PDF 88KB)


Chicago's Safer Foundation: A Road Back for Ex-Offender's (PDF 1.2MB)

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Contact Serving Offenders Conferences

Christine King
(907) 264-6241

UAA Center for Human Development
2702 Gambell St. Suite 103
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Ph: (907) 272-8270
1 (800) 243-2199
TTY: (907) 264-6206
Fax: (907) 274-4802



The 4th Annual Statewide Conference on Serving Offenders with Cognitive Impairments "Working with  Cognitively Impaired Offender: Effective Techniques and Tools" was  held in Anchorage on March 11, 2009 and offered two separate tracts presented by two national experts, Dr. Alix McLearen of Tennessee and James Haaven of Oregon. 


2009 Conference Participant Manual (PDF 2.8MB)


2009 Offender Conference Report (PDF 76KB)



The 3rd Annual Conference, "Working with Cognitively Impaired Offenders: Effective Techniques and Tools”,   was held in Anchorage on April 2nd and 3rd, followed by a Strategic Planning Session on April 4th, 2008. There were two nationally recognized practicing presenters Gerry Blasingame of Oregon and Daniel J. Tomasulo of New Jersey.

2008 Offender Conference Report (PDF 220KB)


The 2nd Annual two day conference, “Adapting Your Community Services to Support the Cognitively Impaired Offender”, was held in May 2007 in Anchorage. There were three national speakers:            Dr. Ed Mikkelsen of Massachusetts, Dr. Robin LeDue of Washington, and Dr. Peter Johnson of Canada.


The 1st Annual Conference.