May 2010: Short-Term Study Abroad course to China with Heifer International

by Kathleen McCoy  |   

Information session:
Thursday, Jan. 21, 5:30 p.m.
BMH, room 202

Deadline to apply: Jan. 25

Join us in China this May. The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies is offering a short-term study abroad adventure to China in May 2010. The trip will take place from approximately May 7-18 with evening class meetings prior to the trip in April and May. You can earn 3 credits for GEOG 390 or audit the course for one credit.

The study tour will begin in Shanghai and include visits to communities where you will see Heifer's agricultural development work and learn about sustainable agro-ecological systems. The tour also includes visits to cultural and historical sites and will conclude in Beijing.

The program fee is $4,200 per student, and it includes airfare, ground transportation, accommodations, meals, bilingual local guides, entry fees to attractions and insurance. Course tuition and books are not included in the program fee.

Attend an information session about the program on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 5:30 p.m. in BMH 202. Pizza and sodas will be served. The deadline to apply is Monday, Jan. 25. Space is limited so don't delay!

For more information or to apply, contact Dorn VanDommelen at (907) 786-1765 or

Click here to download a Microsoft Word version of the application.

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