NEW VIDEO: Welcome to Disability Support Services (DSS)

by UAA Disability Support Services  |   

Disability Support Services (DSS) coordinates support services for students who experience disabilities. We also provide support services for the university and the community at large.

This brief DSS introductory video, created by UAA graduate Katherine Irwin and the DSS Team, offers insight into what constitutes a disability. The answers may surprise you: an individual can be born with a disability — a disability can also be the result of an illness, accident or even pregnancy.

Various student accommodations are explored, as well as eligibility requirements, privacy protections and simple steps to get started.

It's essential for all learners to have equal access to college. All Seawolves are encouraged to include this new video link Welcome to Disability Support Services! in syllabi, webpages, handouts, email and via other communication methods.

Thank you for helping DSS get the word out. We’re here to help and look forward to connecting with you soon!

All UAA faculty and staff are invited to attend the UA Disability Services Annual Conference, Oct. 26-Nov. 5.

Creative Commons License "NEW VIDEO: Welcome to Disability Support Services (DSS)" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
August Archive