Interdisciplinary BA in Civics and Leadership Advising Pathway

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) Interdisciplinary Track in Civics and Leadership is anchored to a strong foundation in history, philosophy, and political and behavioral sciences. The degree is well suited for students with an interest in politics, public policy, and civic engagement. The degree prepares students through broad exposure to a variety of disciplines in the College of Arts & Sciences to assume leadership positions in the public and private sector. In addition to providing students with an interdisciplinary degree option, the BA in Civics and Leadership is also well suited for students who have already completed a two-year associate degree, transfer students from other universities, and non-traditional students who have previously completed university credits. 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) with Core Competencies Alignment:

  1. Demonstrate effective written and oral communication.
  2. Demonstrate advanced undergraduate research skills.
  3. Demonstrate ethical and civic awareness. 
  4. Demonstrate a broad understanding of cultures, histories, and contemporary politics.

Graduation Requirements: Minimum of 120 credits with at least 36 upper-division credits towards the major, including a 3-credit internship/culminating experience

  • Complete the General University Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees.
  • Complete the General Education Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees.
  • Courses to satisfy requirement for the Civics and Leadership Track (36 credits)

Take any ELEVEN of the below courses across at least THREE of the disciplines (33 credits):

  • AKNS/PS A313 - Tribes, Nations and Peoples
  • AKNS/PS A346 - Alaska Native Politics
  • AKNS A375 - Principles of Federal Indian Law and Policy
  • ANTH A390A - Arctic and Subarctic Cultures
  • ANTH A390B - World Cultures
  • ANTH A390C - Comparative Culture Studies
  • ENGL A311 - Writing and Rhetoric in Public Life
  • ENGL A433 - Literacy, Rhetoric and Social Practice
  • GEOG A470 - Environmental Policy and Regulation in Alaska
  • GEOG/SOC A307 - Demography
  • HIST A341 – Alaska History
  • HIST A346 - History of Native Peoples of United States and Canada
  • HIST A390 – Themes in World History
  • HIST A490 – Themes in US History
  • HIST A495 – Internship
  • JPC A413 – Communication Law
  • JPC A463 – Crisis Communications
  • JPC A443 – Public Service Reporting
  • PHIL A301 – Ethics
  • PHIL A302 - Biomedical Ethics
  • PHIL A303 - Environmental Ethics
  • PHIL A305 - Professional Ethics
  • PHIL A400 - Ethics, Community, and Society
  • PHIL A406 - Philosophy of Law
  • PS A312 - Comparative Northern Politics
  • PS A324 - Model United Nations
  • PS A330 - The American Political Tradition
  • PS A343 - Constitutional Law
  • PS A345 - Alaska Government and Politics
  • PS A353 - American Political Development
  • PS A355 – Women and Gender in Politics
  • PSY A400 – Strategies of Behavior Change
  • PSY A413 – Behavioral Assessment 
  • PSY A455 – Interventions and Challenging Behavior 
  • PSY A467 – Organizational Behavior Management
  • PSY A468 – Learning and Behavior
  • PSY 478 – Applications of Behavior Analysis
  • PSY A495b (and PSY A495A) – Psychology Practicum 
  • SOC A351 - Political Sociology
  • SOC A363 - Social Stratification
  • SOC A377 - Sociology of Gender
  • SOC A380 - Sociology of Globalization


Civics and Leadership Track Students Must Complete a *495 or *498 ‘Culminating Experience/Internship Course for additional 3 credits

**** A495 Internship in Civics and Leadership

****A498 Research with Stevens Papers and/or other collections from the Alaska Leaders Archive

Total: 36 Credits