
You've tracked your progress in DegreeWorks, and you've nearly completed all the requirements for your degree. You're ready to apply to graduate. 

For issues with courses or degree programs not showing in DegreeWorks as expected, see Degree Progress.


Looking for information about the commencement ceremony?

Apply to Graduate

To be eligible for graduation at the end of a given semester, a student must be formally admitted to the degree or certificate program and submit an application for graduation through UAOnline. 

  • Apply to graduate through your UAOnline account.
  • Graduation application deadlines are in Registration Dates and Deadlines calendars.
  • Catalog policy on Graduation governs this process.
  • Students with a directory hold on their account will be removed from the commencement ceremony program prior to printing and will not be included in any other commencement-related publications.

Graduate with Honors

To be eligible to graduate with honors, associate and baccalaureate degree-seeking students must earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.50 at UAA. Graduate students are not eligible for university honors.

Standing GPA Requirement
Cum Laude 3.50 to 3.74
Magna Cum Laude 3.75 to 3.89
Summa Cum Laude 3.90 to 4.00

Read more about graduating with honors in the UAA Catalog.


Diplomas are available for pick up at the Enrollment Services Center check-in counter during normal business hours. Please have a valid government issue picture ID or your Wolfcard with you.

Students must satisfy all unpaid student account balances through the UAA Office of the Bursar before their diploma will be released.

The name on your diploma will be the official name on file with the University at the time of printing. Diplomas are printed with first name, middle initial, last name. UAA will print full middle and maiden names upon request. Requests to print alternate versions of first names will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Inquiries may be sent to

Concentrations and minors will not be printed on the diploma. Minors are printed on the official transcript. Students earning a baccalaureate or master's degree may see their concentrations printed on their official transcript. If you and your advisor do not know if your concentration qualifies to appear on your official transcript per university policy, please contact

At the end of one year, any unclaimed/returned diplomas will be shredded. If you believe that your diploma has been shredded, please contact for further instruction.

Replacement Diploma

Graduates wishing to order a replacement diploma for a change of name must submit a Change of Personal Information along with documentation.

A Change Form is typically processed within seven business days.  An Application for Replacement Diploma will be processed within five business days or after the Change Form has been processed, if applicable.

All replacement diplomas will be printed with current University President, Chancellor, and Chair of the Board of Regents signatures and will have the words, "Replacement Diploma issued (date)" printed under the university seal.

Application for Replacement Diploma

Degree Verifications

Agencies or employers requesting verification of a student's degree should request this information directly through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) DegreeVerify service.

National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 300 
Herndon, VA 20171

Apostille Diplomas

Should any country requiring a diploma or official transcript require an apostille, we can certify and notarize your diploma or official transcript and forward it to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Alaska for processing.

Apostille Diploma or Official Transcript Request

Frequent Questions