Office of Alaska Native Education & Outreach

Logo for UAA Office of Alaska Native Education & Outreach

Dawn Randazzo, INDS BA, at UAA's 2024 Spring Commencement in the Alaska Airlines Center.
The Office of Alaska Native Education and Outreach works to implement Alaska Native Success into the fabric of everything we do at UAA. UAA is located in the ancestral homelands of the Dena'ina, Ahtna, Alutiiq/Sugpiak and Eyak/dAXunhyuu Peoples.
Alaska Native Success Initiative (ANSI)
ANSI Vision
Build an Alaska Native community within UAA and be a global leader in Alaska Native student success, teaching and scholarship. ANSI is being incorporated into everything we do at UAA, each of our Campuses, Colleges, and Schools has its own ANSI Strategic Plan. Because it requires everyone in our community - administrators, faculty, staff and students - to work together to create the systemic change needed to foster success and create a place of belonging.
Priority 1: Alaska Native Students
Increase Alaska Native Student preparation, recruitment, retention, and graduation
Goal 1: Eliminate the need for remediation and reduce the time to earn their degree for
graduated high school students.
Goal 2: Have 15% of the total enrolled students be Alaska Native.
Goal 3: Increase Alaska Native retention and graduation rates.
Priority 2: Alaska Native Faculty & Staff
Increase recruitment & retention of Alaska Native Faculty & Staff.
Goal: Increase the percentage of Alaska Native Faculty from 6% & Alaska Native Staff from
7.5% to 20%.
Priority 3: Institution (Internal & External)
Create a culture of belonging for Alaska Native Students, Faculty, Staff, & Community
Goal 1: Resource Alaska Native Academic Departments & Student Support Programs.
Goal 2: Increase Alaska Native representation both internally & externally.
Goal 3: Improve Human Resources’ policies & practices.
More Information
ANSI Strategic Plan Executive Summary
University of Alaska ANSI page
ANSI 2024 Report to the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN)
Native Programs Spring 2025 Newsletter
Chanshtnu Council
Ensuring Alaska Native Success through honoring and the representation of Indigenous Knowledge throughout our learning community. The Chanshtnu Council includes the Alaska Native Academic and Student Success Program Faculty and Staff, Student leaders, Faculty and Staff.
Alaska Native Academic Programs
Alaska Native Studies — Anchorage Campus
Alaska Native Studies — Kenai Peninsula College (KPC)
Alutiiq Studies — Kodiak College
Alaska Native Art
Alaska Native Business Management
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
Indigenizing Education
Alaska Native Student Success Programs
Native Student Services (NSS)
Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program (ANSEP)
Alaska Native Community Advancement in Psychology (ANCAP)/ Alaska Natives into Psychology
Alaska Native, Indigenous & Rural Outreach Program (ANIROP) & The Cama-i Room
Alaska Traditional Kitchen (AKTK)
Della Keats
Recruitment and Retention of Alaska Natives into Nursing (RRANN)
Department of Community & Belonging
Dena’ina Land Acknowledgements
Dena'inaq ełnen'aq' gheshtnu ch'q'u yeshdu: “I live and work on the land of the Dena’ina.”
Audio by Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart. Dena’ina to English translation by Helen Dick, Sondra
Shaginoff-Stuart and Joel Isaak
Ahtna Denaey
Danse nene' ghestnaa eł izdaa: “I live and work on the land of the Dena’ina.”
Audio by Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart. Ahtna Denaey to English translation
Uitalartua caliaqlua-llu Dena’ina-t nuniitni: “I live and work on the land of the Dena’ina.”
Audio by Quentin Simeon. Yup'ik to English translation by Alice Rearden

Michele Aangsux̂ Yatchmeneff, PhD
Alaska Native Education & Outreach Executive Director
Associate Professor of Engineering
(907) 786-1853
Dena’inam tanangin kugan anĝaĝizaq: "I live on Dena’ina lands."
Unangam Tunuu to English translation