
UAA international student Douglas Baye: 'I absolutely love going to school'

Douglas Baye

Douglas Baye loves his home country, Nigeria, but the swan song of continuing his education drew him to Anchorage, where he is taking project management classes at UAA, advocating for other international students through his student job, playing soccer and winning the respect of colleagues. Now, Douglas has received one of the Chancellor's Martin Luther King Jr. Student Appreciation Awards.

OCR releases Title IX findings


BANFF Film Festival at UAA, part of Winterfest 2017


Celebrate UAA Winterfest and the spirit of adventure at the BANFF Mountain Film Festival. This annual festival features some of the best films about mountain sports and culture from around the world. Tickets on sale now at and the Student Union Information Desk.

2017 Earth Sciences Career Fair


Feb. 23, 2017: Learn about careers in the natural sciences


Feb. 27, 2017: Free introductory Zumba class for all fitness levels


New ISER report analyzes effect of Alaska fiscal options on children and families

How might steps Alaska's state government takes to balance its budget affect Alaska families? Different ways of closing the state's $3 billion budget gap—the result of lower oil prices and dwindling oil revenues—will have different effects on households with and without children, according to a new report by Matthew Berman and Random Reamey of ISER.

Students and visitors can now pay for parking from their phones


Spring 2017: Anchorage on-site biometric screenings set for March 2 and 3


Letter from Chancellor Case: Office for Civil Rights, Title IX Compliance Review


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