Hiring: Simulated participant performers and medical models

by Green & Gold News  |   

The College of Health Simulation Center is actively recruiting casual, temporary, "spot-work" employees.

Simulated participant (SP) may portray various roles, though more commonly as a patient for healthcare professionals' clinical education and training. There are varied SP positions:

  • Patient model (SP level 1): $20.00/hour - participates in workshops where students practice routine physical assessments, positioning and or use of medical equipment.
  • Simulated participant [erformer (SP level 2): $35.00/hour - is an actor who accurately and consistently recreates the history, personality, physical findings, emotional structure and response pattern of an actual patient, family member or other roles as designed.
  • Medical model (SP level 3): $60.00/hour - participates in genitourinary examination training workshops which include the breast, pelvic, genital and rectal areas. Applicants may be appointed for one, two, or all three position(s).

The best way to describe the work hours for a casual patient model, simulated participant and medical model is "spotty."  Candidates would receive casting calls for events on an as-needed basis. Those who respond as available may or may not be assigned to them due to the pool of respondents and assignments are determined by those who are best suited to the case. Some events may include telework.

Full Job Descriptions and Application


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