
Changes to Enrollment Services Call Center

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Despite a great deal of effort and collaboration with IT, we have been unable to stand up the Enrollment Services Call Center (786-1480) remotely. Individual employees still have access to their individual work numbers via jabber; otherwise, for the fastest response, students, staff and faculty are encouraged to email.

Access to UAA campus buildings currently restricted

As part of UAA’s response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, access to UAA campus buildings is currently restricted. In order to preserve the health and safety of our campus community, all buildings are locked. Students and employees who need to be present on campus may access buildings using keys or WolfCards.

Indoor gardening tips from UAA Employee Wellness

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Staying wellthy and staying green: UAA Employee Wellness intern, Zach, and his family show us how to create an indoor garden using common household items you may already have.

UAA College of Health shares personal protective equipment to meet community needs

UAA PPE donation to DHSS loaded in the back of a pick-up truck

The UAA College of Health and university incident management teams donated 37 cases of PPE, including rubber gloves, face masks and isolation gowns, to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services.

Chancellor updates on COVID-19, expedited program review and administrative review

Latest messages from UAA Chancellor Cathy Sandeen

Please take a moment to view the latest updates from UAA Chancellor Cathy Sandeen regarding COVID-19 as well as expedited program and administrative reviews.

March 31, 2020: Lecture by multi-disciplinary artist Amy Johnson via Zoom

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Amy Johnson will be giving a lecture Tuesday, March 31, at 7 p.m. via Zoom! Johnson is a multi-disciplinary artist who combines contemporary art and craft to explore the balance between what is real and what is not.

March 26, 2020: Post-Award Training — Navigating Banner Grants Module and IR Reports

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Navigating the Banner Grants Module and Institutional Research (IR) Report will be this month's Post Award monthly training topic. The event is open and available to anyone interested in learning more about the research administration tools currently available.

Updates from General Support Services

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Copy & Print Center continues to be available to meet the needs of our UAA community. Mail route needs are being evaluated based on changing availability of UAA departmental staff and how to best serve the UAA community and also limit interaction. Surplus & Relocation is providing services as needed for essential and timely needs.

Be on the lookout for COVID-19 scams

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The Department of Homeland Security advises everyone to exercise caution in handling any email with a COVID-19-related subject line, attachment, or hyperlink, and be wary of social media pleas, texts, or calls related to COVID-19. Instances of these scams are already being reported across the UA system.

Home workout options from UAA Employee Wellness

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UAA Employee Wellness Program intern, Zach, shows you different options of how to create a workout at home. The key is to stay active and do something using anything you have on hand. Quality over quantity!

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