
Best practices to optimize your working remotely online experience

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As employees transition to an online working environment, OIT asks everyone to follow these best practices in order to minimize systemwide and Cloud bandwidth usage. Lots of helpful tips here!

Helping Seawolves stay on track

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I wanted to touch base with you as you head back to class on Monday after our extended Spring Break. It will take some adjustment for many of you as your faculty transition from face-to-face to alternate forms of course delivery. We have prepared a guide to help you adjust your study habits (attached). It also has links to important campus resources.

March 24, 2020: Ask Me Anything! with Chancellor and Cabinet

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Please join Chancellor Sandeen and the Chancellor's Cabinet for an informal chat. Hear an update on the university and get answers to any questions you have.

Subscribe to IT Services notifications

UAA IT Services (ITS) is working to improve our communication of pending upgrades and current outages. As part of that effort, ITS is adding an option to subscribe to email notifications of these events.

Meet Your Colleagues: Rebecca Coffin

Rebecca Coffin

Meet Your Colleagues highlights a different UAA employee every Friday. This week, we're featuring Rebecca Coffin, Academic & Divisional Support, Humanities Division, College of Arts & Sciences.

UA Procurement & Contract Services staff working remotely

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UA Procurement & Contract Services is observing the guidance from UA President Johnsen on working remotely. Staff will be available by email or by phone at their UA telephone numbers. UA Procurement & Contract Services will provide additional guidance regarding in-person availability as circumstances allow.

University Center lobby closed due to COVID-19

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Enrollment Services and Accounting Services is restricting access to University Center due to COVID-19 in order to ensure social distancing for staff still needed to perform critical functions. Within Enrollment Services, phone service has been ramped up to meet student need and email will be responded to within one business day. We appreciate everyone's understanding during this difficult time. General questions may be directed to 907-786-1480.

Further guidance to faculty on shifting to alternate delivery

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UAA Faculty: Thank you for all you are doing to shift to alternate delivery of your courses. If you have not already done so, please reach out to your students as soon as possible to assure them that you are preparing to reconnect with them next week. This will help reduce their anxiety and also establish your line of communication with them.

UAA COVID-19 Response

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In response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the University of Alaska Anchorage is collaborating with the statewide University of Alaska (UA) system, federal and local partners to slow the virus spread. Please visit the university's coronavirus response website for the most up-to-date information.

Visit OIT’s Checklist for Working Remotely

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Learn about options to forward your work phone; if you currently are without internet at home, explore connectivity options; read through tips for setting up your video space; test your bandwidth speed; and more!

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