
Nov. 27–29, 2019: Reduced hours for ITS Technical Support Center


Seawolf Dining Eat Fleet schedule for November 2019


Scholarship recipient hopes to start a domino effect by paying it forward

AHAINA Student of Excelllence, Legal Studies Senior Amanda Magnusen.

Navigating scholarships can be stressful. As a lead coach for the UAA eWolf ePortfolio program, Amanda Magnusen is more than familiar with that feeling, inspiring her to donate her own scholarship.

OIT Banner server migration


For sale: 2015 Chrysler 300 AWD


Nov. 25, 2019: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women


Volunteers needed for Late Nights — Dec. 2–5, 2019


2019 Knockout November and De-stress December


Nov. 22, 2019: Using ePortfolio to Develop and Leverage Your Professional Identity


Nov. 22, 2019: UAA Surplus Sale


Shop the UAA Surplus Sale for epic deals on electronics, furniture and more. Only UAA students get 20 percent off computers and computer accessories, including CPUs, keyboards, monitors, cords, mice and laptops (limit one laptop per student). Remember your WOLFcard. Open to the public on Friday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. at the UAA Warehouse.

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