
National Taiwan University of Art delegation visiting UAA this week

Teachers and students from the National Taiwan University of Art (NTUA) are in Anchorage this week, March 6–10, 2019, for a cultural and educational exchange.

Chancellor update on budget and School of Education


UAA Chancellor Sandeen provides an update to the campus community regarding the School of Education accreditation and UA budget situation. Find out what you can do to help and where to go for additional information.

Chancellor Emeritus Tom Case conferred with Autumn Imperial Decoration from the Government of Japan


This prestigious award was bestowed upon former UAA Chancellor Tom Case in recognition of his contributions to strengthening the mutual understanding and promoting academic exchanges between Japan and the United States.

2019 Cabin Fever Debates grand final: 'PFD cuts or taxes?'


Join us March 7 at 7 p.m in ARTS 150 for the final debate of the 2019 Cabin Fever Debates, UAA's intramural debating tournament.

Summer Orientation Leader job application open


ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building (CPISB) & Planetarium Tour - March 8, 2019

Staff Council hosts Building Tours to foster greater collaboration through a fun activity such as seeing buildings you may never go to in a normal work day.

Staying ahead of the curve by employing alumni (and faculty) awareness


As the go-to agency for Alaska’s resource industries, MSI Communications relies on UAA alumni for their intuitive understanding of the state, including company founder and president Laurie Fagnani.

UAA is a top producer of U.S. Fulbright Scholars and Students


"Earning a Fulbright is a signature achievement, and we are proud of the outstanding UAA students who have earned this major award." — UAA Chancellor Cathy Sandeen

Ask Me Anything! Chat with Chancellor Sandeen and USUAA - March 5, 2019

Join Chancellor Cathy Sandeen and USUAA Student Government for a chat Tuesday, March 5, 2019, 2–3 p.m. in the Student Union Den.

Navigating tenure and promotion webinar - March 5, 2019


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