
Student recitals bring free music each Friday to Fine Arts


When UAA music students perform at their Friday recitals, the audience never knows what to expect. Opera or jazz? Oboe or cello? It's like a variety show starring UAA students, and it's 100 percent free to attend.

Busy bee: UAA hosts Brain Bee to inspire neuroscience education


UAA’s annual Brain Bee event aims to inspire curiosity in neuroscience for Alaska’s high schoolers with a day of hands-on activities, guest speakers and testing their knowledge of the brain.

UA Regents to address budget reductions and reaccreditation at next meeting (Feb. 28–March 1, 2019)

University of Alaska

An unprecedented reduction in state funding and an accreditation failure at UAA’s School of Education will be the central topics of discussion at the University of Alaska Board of Regents meeting Feb. 28–March 1 at the Lee Gorsuch Commons on the UAA campus.

Beware of targeted phishing attacks on UAA email


Anchorage on-site biometric screenings - March 21, 2019

The university will once again offer on-site biometric screenings for all employees, spouses and FIPs who are enrolled in the UA Choice health plan.

February 2019: Burt's Bees products on sale at the UAA Bookstore


Now through Feb. 28, 2019, buy one and get one 50 percent off Burt's Bees products at the UAA Campus Bookstore.

The Capitol Report 2/22/19: UA makes strong showing in Capitol


Winterfest 2019 takes over campus Feb. 25–March 2


2019 Alaska Food Festival and Conference set for March 8–9 in Homer

The Alaska Food Policy Council and the Alaska Farmers Market Association are partnering to host the fourth semi-annual Alaska Food Festival & Conference March 8–9 in Homer.

Feb. 28, 2019: 'Ten Myths and Half-Truths about Alaska and Its Politics' with Clive Thomas

Are Alaskans individualists? Do we have a citizen legislature? Join Clive Thomas to consider these and other questions about common beliefs in Alaska.

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