
At UAA, we refuse to be divided

It has come to the attention of university leadership that flyers with the statement "it's okay to be white" were posted in various places on the UAA campus. Further investigation revealed this is part of a movement occurring at high schools and universities nationwide designed to create racial tension and division with the express goal of eliciting media coverage. At UAA, we refuse to be divided.

Department of Languages to host free screening of 'Guten Tag, Ramon' - Nov. 10, 2017


Nov. 8, 2017: Open forum with finalist for College of Business and Public Policy assistant/associate professor (new time and location)

Attend an open forum with Dr. Sumeet Jhamb, finalist for a faculty position with the UAA College of Business and Public Policy, on Nov. 8, 2017 in UAA's Rasmuson Hall.

Rasmuson Chair Philip Grossman discusses recent experimental economics work on gender and leadership - Nov. 9, 2017


Think Tank on Nov. 9, 2017: How can we create strong, sustainable and equitable food systems in Alaska?

Your thoughts and actions matter! Please join us for the November 2017 Think Tank addressing, "How can we create strong, sustainable and equitable food systems in Alaska?"

Urban and Rural in Alaska Conference draws big crowd, highlights faculty research


Since 2012, UAA’s Center for Community Engagement and Learning has hosted the Urban and Rural in Alaska conference, inviting students, faculty, staff and the public to participate in conversations on social and urban issues our community faces.

Associate to bachelor’s: UAA’s School of Nursing is answering Kodiak’s health care needs


UAA’s School of Nursing is undergoing a two-year expansion project, with the Kodiak Outreach Site next on the list. Associate Professor Margie Mete has been charged with transitioning the site’s associate program to a bachelor's program.

Daylight Saving Time ends Nov. 5, 2017


Should the U.S. immigration system be merit based? Arguing Alaska debate series returns Nov. 13, 2017


Should only the most qualified individuals be allowed to immigrate to the United States? That’s the question UAA’s Seawolf Debate program will tackle when its Arguing Alaska series returns on Monday, Nov. 13, from 5:30–7 p.m. at the Bear Tooth Theatrepub.

UAA's Sinfonia is making a little night magic - Nov. 18, 2017


UAA's Sinfonia is ready to transport you with an evening of orchestral, solo and ensemble works Nov. 18, 2017. Tickets are on sale now.

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