
November 2017 UAA Staff Council meeting

Join UAA Staff Council at the next meeting on Nov. 2, 2017, 9:30–11:30 a.m. in Room 302 of the UAA/APU Consortium Library. All Staff Council meetings are open to the public and all UAA employees are welcome to attend.

Nov. 3, 2017: Are we alone in the universe? Domecast features lecture by Dr. Kaltenegger of Carl Sagan Institute


UAA Theatre and student improv troupe present an evening of comedy and eco-theatre - Nov. 3, 2017

Join us Nov. 3, 2017, at 7 p.m. in the UAA Mainstage Theatre for an evening of short plays written by playwrights from around the world, performed by faculty from departments all across UAA. Between plays, the Ad-Lib Alchemists improv troupe will perform.

UAA piloting program now has its own call sign

UAA's New P2006 Twin

University of Alaska Anchorage piloting instructors and students now have their own call sign thanks to an agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration. The agreement authorizes the university to use CWOLF, pronounced Seawolf, in honor of UAA’s mascot.

Nov. 2, 2017: Dr. Bruce Lanphear discusses the impact of toxins on the developing brain

Bruce Lanphear, M.D., M.P.H., will discuss his research concerning children’s environmental health and measures that might be taken to prevent exposures linked with learning and developmental disabilities. Faculty, students and health professionals are all welcome to attend this free presentation on Nov. 2, 2017.

Nov. 9, 2017: Tailgate dinner for volleyball match-up against Western Oregon

UAA volleyball faces Western Oregon Nov. 9, 2017. Join us before the game for a tailgate dinner at the Gorsuch Commons, featuring food from Main Event Catering.

University of Alaska launches online job search and career development program

The University of Alaska has launched Career Coach, a web-based tool to help Alaskans explore career and higher education opportunities. Developed in cooperation with Emsi, users will be able to easily browse current Alaska job postings, learn about workforce training and educational opportunities and access current Alaska labor market and wage data using simple online tools.

Kodiak College honored with Cornerstone Award from Kodiak Chamber of Commerce


Pay for parking citations with food donations Nov. 6–17, 2017


The Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive, which runs Nov. 6-17, provides the UAA community an opportunity to pay for parking citations with a food donation.

UAA and Alaska Department of Corrections to hold December 2017 workshops

Registration is now open for December 2017 workshops hosted by the UAA Center for Behavioral Health and Alaska Department of Corrections.

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