Regulatory & Other Information

Federal Guidelines and Regulations

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Prior Office of Management and Budget Circulars:

  • OMB Circular A-110 is 2 CFR, Part 215: Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations. 
  • OMB Circular A-21 relocated to 2 CFR, Part 220: Cost Principles for Education Institutions. 

University of Alaska

The mission of the University of Alaska Controller's Office is to manage, control and report the status and use of the financial resources of the University of Alaska, by providing a reliable and accurate financial accounting and reporting system; to develop and administer the statewide MAU budget; and to provide financial consulting services to executive management and to fiscal officers throughout the UA system to support the university's instruction, research and public service activities.

University of Alaska Accounting and Administrative Manual

Statewide Certifications, Policies and Procedures

The following documents will be useful to the Principal Investigator or the PI's support staff in the college/school when administering an award.  These documents are all housed on the University of Alaska Statewide website.

Alaska Business License

Banner Finance Manuals

Board of Regents Policies & Procedures

A133 Audit Reports

Employers' Certificate of Self-Insurance

Statewide Accounting and Administrative Manual

Statewide HR Procedures/Payroll Calendar

Statewide Property

Statewide Risk Management 

Contracting with the State of Alaska:  Insurance and Indemnification

Statewide Subaward and Vendor Contracts D-06

Statewide Subrecipient Monitoring D-07

Statewide Travel Procedures

UA Student Employment and Scholarship/Fellowship Payment Information