807 - Dispute Resolution

Community Campus Delegation 807: Dispute Resolution


To specify the community campus delegation authority and responsibilities for dispute resolution  


Board of Regents Policy & Regulation 04.02.000 & 04.08.000
UAA Human Resources: Sexual Harassment
UAA Human Resources: Employee Relations
EEO Complaint Process


Delegation Authority
Sexual Harassment With regard to sexual harassment, the Directors/President have the responsibility for promoting a positive working and learning environment where all persons are free to discuss any problems or questions they may have concerning sexual harassment at the university. The policies and regulations will be widely disseminated so that all members of the university community are fully informed of their rights and responsibilities. The UAA Affirmative Action Officer will be informed promptly when sexual harassment complaints occur.
Grievances The Directors/President have the delegated authority and responsibility to develop and implement local informal procedures for the resolution of employee grievances. Technical guidance may be obtained from EEO Conflict Resolution Guidelines. If a grievance cannot be resolved through local informal procedures, the grievant may appeal by filing a formal written request to the UAA Director of Human Resource Services.
Delegation Criteria
Adherence to the referenced policies, regulations, and guidelines including:

  1. The development and implementation of local informal methods for the resolution of personnel grievances.
  2. The prompt investigation of complaints.

All community campuses have the delegation authority and responsibility for dispute resolution expressed in this policy unless special limits or requirements are set by the Vice Chancellor for Administration.

Effective: 10/25/2005