Compliance, Rights, and Title IX

Submit a Report

Reports to the Office of Compliance and Rights can be made in person, via phone, email, or online by submitting an incident report. When a report is made, our staff will reach out to the Complainant and provide the resources and information necessary to ensure safety and support. A Formal Investigation will only be initiated with consent of the Complainant or when the University believes necessary.

UAA Discrimination and Harassment Incident Report


In Compliance with Title IX, the Office of Compliance and Rights receives reports of harassment and/or discrimination regarding students, faculty, staff, or campus visitors. By making a report, those experiencing harassment or discrimination will receive support and/or accommodations and are provided the information necessary regarding their rights and resources to be able to make an informed decision moving forward. Reporting to the Office of Compliance and Rights helps to facilitate a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which educational programs, employment, and activities are free of discrimination and harassment. The office administers and ensures compliance with Title IX and University policies, procedures, and programs on equal opportunity, discrimination, affirmative action, harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, and retaliation.



The Office of Compliance and Rights staff are available Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm. If you have questions, would like to make a report, or need assistance, you may contact any of our staff listed below. If outside of office hours and you are in need of immediate assistance, please call 911 or contact the University Police Department at 907-786-1120

Anchorage Campus
Phone: 907-786-0818
Address: 3190 Alumni Drive, SSB 352

Prince William Sound College
Phone: 907-834-1612

Kenai Peninsula College - Kenai River
Phone: 907-262-0314

Kenai Peninsula College - Kachemak Bay
Phone: 907-235-1655

Kodiak College
Phone: 907-486-1219

Mat-Su College
Phone: 907-746-9316