Social Media

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Follow the University of Alaska Anchorage on our official social media accounts!

Social Media Guidelines

The purpose of the University of Alaska Anchorage participating on social media platforms is to engage our students, faculty, staff and the Anchorage and Alaska communities, with relevant news, events and the amazing stories coming from the university on a daily basis. Social media is an amazing tool that allows UAA to have an ongoing and more personal dialogue with our communities than ever before. The university is currently using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube to connect with our communities — we encourage you to join the social dialogue. 

  • Transparency
    Be open and honest in your social media engagements on all of your chosen platforms. Remember that social media is a dialogue between you and your audiences and it is important to maintain trust through an open conversation.

Social Media Best Practices

  • Post often. Depending on the social media platform, you may be posting daily or weekly.
  • Create a social media strategy. Work with your department or college to determine what the purpose of your social media channel will be. Is it to engage with students? Push information out to the UAA community? What are your key messages?
  • Create a social media calendar. Creating a calendar allows you to organize content month-by-month and ensures that you are continuing to update and post to your channels.
  • Follow and be followed. If an individual, business, organization or group starts following you on a particular social media platform, following them back is a great way to gain followers and find inspiration for content.
  • Use consistent branding and imagery. Remember that when posting on behalf of UAA, our brand guidelines and standards apply. 
  • Your cover photo and profile picture should capture the essence of your brand and showcase your department.
  • Avoid posting long paragraphs. Posts should be short, concise and to the point. If more information is needed, direct your audience to a website with additional information or provide a graphic/visual.
  • Diverse content includes photos, videos, questions, contests, “behind-the-scenes” photos, humor, events, and promotion of businesses or cross-promotion of other university departments/colleges.

Digital Toolkit

Show your Seawolf pride at all stages of your journey with digital assets for social media, Zoom backgrounds and printable signs.

UAA Social Media Toolkit and Assets