College of Engineering


College of Engineering

At the University of Alaska Anchorage, you can pursue your dream of becoming an engineer, computer scientist, or project manager while living in Anchorage--the business, industrial, cultural, and recreational center of Alaska.  Located near all major Alaskan employers of engineering, computer science, and project management talent, 74% of our job-seeking students have jobs before they graduate!

As an undergraduate, you can pursue Bachelor's degrees in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Science, or Geomatics (Surveying and Mapping), and graduate degrees Project Management, Mechanical, or Civil Engineering. We also offer collaborative degrees in Mining and Geological Engineering, and a PhD in Engineering with the University of Alaska Fairbanks. 

The Alaska Department of Labor has projected the state will need 627 new computer and engineering professionals by 2030 -- requiring two new hires for every one that retires.  UAA's College of Engineering is committed to producing cutting-edge graduates ready to energize the state's growing engineering community. 


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Upcoming Events

  • UAA Alumn, Steve Buchanan talking to the spring 2024 CoEng graduating class.

    Engineering alumnus maps pathway to surveying success and hall of fame

    July 29, 2024

    “The work that I do is about infrastructure support,” said Buchanan. “Roads, utilities, water, sewer, rail and people — all of which are vital to Alaska.”

    On May 3, 2024, surveying and mapping alumnus Steve Buchanan was inducted into the UAA College of Engineering (CoEng) Alumni Hall of Fame, which honors the professional accomplishments and contributions of exceptional CoEng graduates.

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