Disability Justice Initiative

About Disability Justice Initiative

Welcome to Alaska’s Justice Initiative website! The Justice Initiative is a collaboration of many different stakeholders who have the common vision of reducing interpersonal violence against Alaskans with disabilities and/or Alaskan seniors. This webpage was created to be the central location for relevant education and training resources and information specific to these grants:

DARTs are coordinated community responses to violence and sexual violence against people with disabilities. The purpose of DARTs is to bridge the victim advocacy and disability service systems. DARTs work to increase accessible, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed (ACRTI) services for people with disabilities across multiple networks. DARTs are a systems change project through the Alaska Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA).
  • Deliverables

    While the FY20 application is currently closed, a typical DART contract is for $5,000 and has 8 deliverables including: