PATHWAYS: Keeping open pathways across rooms in various directions. Pathways kept free of chairs,
tables, bags, drinks/food, papers, etc. Open pathways benefit wheelchair users, strollers,
cane users, various walking gaits, larger bodies, and pregnant people.
HUMILITY: With unmet access needs, organizers and presenters can: thank the person bringing
it to our attention; apologize; try to address the access barrier; later on, educate
ourselves for the future.
FRAGRANCE: Reducing or eliminating fragrance use in the days/week of the event - e.g. perfumes,
scented lotions, essential oils, hair products, air fresheners, scented laundry soap,
drier sheets.
INVISIBLE/VISIBLE: Remembering both “invisible” and “visible” disabilities.
INVITATION: Welcoming people to care for their access needs before you begin. Example: “During
class, please feel free to move around, take breaks, eat and drink when you need to.”
No need to ask if anyone needs the mic (this outs people). Gently insist that people
use the mic to: increase volume for everyone who is hard of hearing; reduce background
noise because fewer people can speak at a time; keep conversation pace from being
too fast; make session recording possible; and make it possible for people to participate
online. If an invisible disability prevents someone from using the mic (like anxiety),
just repeat what they say into the mic for them. Being in a hurry is not an excuse
to not use the mic. At large events, have mic movers raise the mic in the air when
it is on the way to a new speaker, and when a speaker is talking. This helps interpreters
follow who is speaking. Mic movers can also have something to raise in the air depending
on what they are doing (e.g. green star with mic, red heart moving mic.)
INTERPRETERS & CLOSED CAPTIONING: For American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters and Deaf people, have reserved open
seating in close and clear line of sight to presenters and their materials. When using
videos, turn on the Closed Captioning (CC) – as with the mic, no need to ask if people
need this. Make sure ASL interpreters and CC words are not visually blocked by anything
like people, chairs, shadows, etc.
LIGHTING: Taking action for more light, less light, focused light, mixed lighting, and backlighting/no
backlighting. Examples: less light for video and closed captioning, people with traumatic
brain injury and people with sensory processing needs; more light for interpreters,
for people with low vision, and some people with mood disorders; mixed room lighting
for people to go where needed.
VISUAL COMMUNICATION: Try to keep your mouth uncovered when you are speaking. Turn towards people so that
they can watch your face, if possible. It’s also ok if some people can’t do eye contact.
BREAKS: Honor breaks without asking the audience – people may need to rest, stretch, empty
a bag, breastfeed, check blood sugar, take medications, etc. At least 10 minutes is
needed for these things (at least!). Access happens in break times, as do relationships
– breaks and relationships are also “productive”.
SHARING AHEAD: Send slides and handouts to organizers as soon as you can before the event, to be
made available to attendees e.g. posted on website, emailed out. This can be more
cost effective and green (more environmentally friendly). Final versions can be reposted
after the event/class/training. Sharing ahead benefits attendees needing more reading
time, screen reader users, people with low vision using magnification, people whose
first language is not the language of your materials, and people totally new to your
NON-SERIF: Use non-serif fonts like Ariel, Helvetica, Verdana.
COLOR CONTRAST: Use color contrasting slide backgrounds and text color: use light slides with dark
font, or dark slides with light font.
FONT SIZE: Use at least size 18 font size for slides, and 14 for print outs. Limit # of words
on slides (“6x7” or less – six words per row, less than 7 rows).