TAPESTRY Mission Statement

The purpose of the TAPESTRY Postsecondary Transition Program is to provide students with a disability (ages 16 to 22) a college experience to develop their self-advocacy skills, social skills, and engage in career exploration that leads to employment in a career field or enrollment in a postsecondary educational program.

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The TAPESTRY program at UAA was established in the College of Health, Center for Human Development in 2010 with a Federal Department of Education grant, called The Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities.

Since 2016, funding for the TAPESTRY program is through fee for services with the Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). For more information you can contact us at


Apply to the TAPESTRY Program

For more information, contact us at

Students earn the Bridge to Independence through Career Readiness Workforce Credential when they complete the six TAPESTRY classes (usually in two semesters). Students will participate in employment and/or enrollment in an additional postsecondary program after earning their credential. Students are selected with a competitive interview process. 

The Summer Academy program is an 8-10 week condensed work experience program that meets on a staggered schedule over the summer with classroom activities, a service learning project, and placement in a work experience. Our target audience for the TAPESTRY Summer Academy is a student who is finishing their junior year of high school and who has been on an IEP or 504 plan, or struggles with academics. Enrollment is on a first-come basis.