Population health sits at the intersection of medicine and public health spanning
the social sciences. Population health explores the social factors that influence
health using an evidence based approach and community engagement to reduce disparities,
measure health needs and implement effective health innovations.
Academic Programs
Set up a successful career in health education and health promotion, public and community
health, disease prevention, rehabilitation, or health care delivery.
Savannah Ivanoff, a UAA Division of Population Health Sciences alumna, fondly remembers the supportive environment at UAA as she now pursues her Doctor of Pharmacy.
Dakota Ramirez, an alumna of the Division of Population Health Sciences, serves as the Community Programs Manager for Special Olympics Alaska. She applies her education to create meaningful programs and support families with disabilities, fostering inclusion and empowerment.
Student research assistants taught a 15-week course on healthy living to older adults in the community. Three of those students recently presented at the Gerontological Society of America conference and shared results from a Health Aging Lab project that received funding from the National Institutes of Health.
Researchers in our lab are working to solve the global plastic pollution problem by
developing insulation that is recyclable, reusable, and biodegradable.