Alaska Justice Information Center

Alaska Justice Information Center

Brad Myrstol PhD Director of AJIC


Welcome to the AJiC web page – your primary conduit to learn about the center’s crime and justice research, both past and present. AJiC’s research publications are always freely available to the public, and accessible on our ScholarWorks@UA website.AJiC publishes new research reports, research briefs, fact sheets and data visualizations on a regular basis, and a few of the center’s most recent research publications are highlighted below. Alternatively, a great way to keep current with AJiC’s research activities is to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter and have our most current publications delivered directly to your email inbox!



About AJiC

AJiC is the acronym for the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Justice Center’s research center, the Alaska Justice Information Center. Since 1986, Alaska’s federally designated statistical analysis center (SAC) has been housed in the UAA Justice Center. In its role as Alaska’s SAC, AJiC assists Alaska justice agencies and organizations with the development, implementation, and evaluation of justice programs and policies by collecting and analyzing Alaska-specific crime and justice statistics. AJiC also pursues SAC-specific funding opportunities provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics for special projects and research initiatives to advance criminal justice policy and practice in the state. There are currently 53 SACs located in the United States and its territories.

AJiC is a member of the Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN), a national nonprofit organization and resource center for statistical analysis centers, criminological researchers, justice data analysts, and justice practitioners.

Contact Us

Have questions? Please feel free to contact us via email:


 Recent Publications


Alaska DUI Arrest Rates 1985-2022

Domestic Violence Treatment Interventions: Evidence from the Past Decade

Service Receipt Among Alaskan Women who Experience IPV, SA and Stalking

NEWS & Stories

  • UAA Anchorage outside Library in the Summer

    Fighting Crime By Design

     |  Vanessa Orr  |  , ,

    UAA Justice Center Professor, Sharon Chamard provides expertise on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), emphasizing the importance of design elements like natural surveillance, access control, and maintenance in creating safer communities.

  • hands in handcuffs

    New statewide data tells mixed story about crime in Alaska

     |  ADN  |  , , ,

    This year's annual Crime in Alaska report was recently released. Brad Myrstol, Justice Center Professor and Alaska Justice Information Center Director, discussed the data compiled from police agencies across the state with Anchorage Daily News.

  • Lorem ipsum

    Racial disparities for Alaska Native and American Indian inmates: A troubling picture

     |  KNBA  |  , , ,

    UAA Justice Center Professor and Alaska Justice Information Center Director, Brad Myrstol, spoke with KNBA about the disproportionally high number of Alaska Native and American Indian inmates in the Alaskan and U.S. prison system.

  • Kimberly Russell

    I AM UAA: Kimberly Russell

     |  Green & Gold  |  , ,

    Kimberly Russell was raised in Anchorage and is a 2008 UAA Justice graduate who currently works at McLaughlin Youth Center as a Social Services Associate II.

  • David Campbell

    I AM UAA: Lt. David Campbell

     |  Green & Gold  |  , ,

    Back in the early 1990s, newspaper headlines were fixated on Rodney King and O.J. Simpson-two of the most renowned court cases of David Campbell's generation. In his early 20s at the time, David remembers how current events and an Introduction to Justice course finally piqued his interest enough to settle on a major.

Contact Us:
Phone: (907) 786-1810



Alaska Justice Information Center
UAA Professional Studies Building
2533 Providence Dr., Suite 234
Anchorage, AK 99508


Mailing Address:
UAA Alaska Justice Information Center
3211 Providence Dr., PSB 234
Anchorage, AK 99508

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