Justice Center News

Troy Payne and Rita Augustyn, faculty members at the UAA Justice Center Read More

Justice Center Faculty Awarded Grants for Alaska Research

 |  Henry Randolph  |  ,

The Justice Center's faculty have been awarded several new grants to conduct Alaska-focused research

AHAINA Student of Excellence and legal studies senior Amanda Magnusen. (Photo by James Evans / University of Alaska Anchorage) Read More

Scholarship recipient hopes to start a domino effect by paying it forward

 |  Matt Jardin  | 

Legal studies senior Amanda Magnusen knows a thing or two about scholarship application anxiety. As a lead coach for the UAA eWolf ePortfolio program stationed in the UAA Multicultural Center, she helps students navigate what can be a complicated and time-consuming process.

Portrait of Mark Heinrichs Read More

The Road Less Taken: Mark Heinrichs on Forging a New Career

 |  Henry Randolph  | 

Have you ever contemplated a career change? It’s a big move forPortrait of Legal studies student Mark Heinrichs anybody—particularly if you’re more than a few years into your current career. It can be risky, intimidating and hard to even know where to start.

A stack of files Read More

Fact Sheet Identifies Trends in Alaska Court Caseloads

 |  Melissa Green  |  , ,

An analysis by the Alaska Justice Information Center of state court system data shows a steady decrease in trial court filings for violent and property crimes, but an increase in weapons case filings.

Mark Turberville gestures at a presentation during his internship experience with the Anchorage Municipal Prosecutor's Office Read More

From my view: Behind the scenes at a paralegal internship

 |  Henry Randolph  | 

Mark Turberville was one of the first UAA Justice Center paralegal interns ever to work at the Anchorage Municipal Prosecutor’s Office. Using what he learned in his classes, he quickly proved that a good paralegal can be indispensable.