RRANN Mission Statement

The purpose of the Recruitment and Retention of Alaska Natives into Nursing (RRANN) program is to provide academic and other support services to Alaska Natives and Native American students to increase retention and graduation rates in the School of Nursing.  

The goal is to help produce excellent and culturally competent nursing care for Alaska's growing and diverse population. RRANN students have the desire to increase the comfort level in Alaska Native and American Indian people seeking healthcare. One of the unique ways that RRANN students can do that is by relating to indigenous ways of living, knowing, and healing.  

RRANN currently assists nursing majors and pre-majors on University of Alaska campuses statewide by offering tutoring services*, scholarships, material lending, group meetings to connect with peers, and student success facilitators that offer career and personal advice to aid nursing and pre-nursing students in successfully completing the UA Nursing program. *Free tutoring services are available to all University of Alaska nursing students regardless of ethnicity or location.