Email Written Communication Coaching
Active hours:
Monday-Thursday 10 AM - 7 PM
Friday 10 AM - 6 PM
NOTE: Do Not Submit PDF'S or PHP's. The last day to submit a paper for the semester is May 1st by 5PM.
Students wanting communication coaching on written assignments by email may submit a draft of their writing through our secure web form (button below). Communication & Presentation
staff will review the draft and provide feedback based on the criteria selected in
the form. Students will receive only suggestions for correction, not corrections on
the work itself, as your writing belongs entirely to you.
Please be as specific as possible so that we can provide you with the most relevant
and helpful feedback. Our staff will help identify problems and recommend solutions
by guiding students to edit their own work. We want to empower students to communicate/present
with clarity and confidence. Communication & Presentation staff will provide feedback
within 72 hours. Keep in mind that you may not recieve anything back until near the 72 hour mark
as several students are using this service so your paper will go into queue as it
is submitted. Documents submitted after 6 pm will be considered received the next morning at 10am.
For example, anything submitted after 6 pm on a Friday will be considered received
on the following Monday and returned by Thursday.
- Drafts may be up to seven pages double-spaced
- Longer drafts may be submitted in sections, but the same staff member may not review
each section submitted
- Only one document can be sumbitted per survey, so a longer work will need multiple
- Please submit documents as .DOC, .DOCX., or .TXT. NOTE: Google docs will let you save
your drafts as .DOCX
Submit a draft for Email Communication Coaching