UA Foundation accepting proposals for the Harold T. Caven Professorship in Business and Finance

by Green & Gold News  |   

The University of Alaska Foundation will accept proposals from Jan. 9 - April 4, 2025, for the Harold T. Caven Professorship in Business and Finance (Caven Professorship).

Proposals will be accepted from faculty members in business and finance within the UA system. The professorship allows for a UA faculty member to extend and expand UA’s business and finance research and outreach activities throughout Alaska. 

Candidates are evaluated based on their achievements through research and creative endeavors, scholarship or creative works, teaching, professional service, and how proposed activities benefit the university.

The term of the professorship commences at the beginning of the academic year and will continue until the end of the second calendar year. Any proposals time stamped after midnight of the deadline date will be dismissed. 

The Caven Professorship was established in 1974 as a permanent endowment at the UA Foundation to honor the legacy of Dr. Caven, who served as a director and vice president of First National Bank of Anchorage, now First National Bank Alaska.


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