UAA's hidden gem: A revitalized art collection shines

by Becca Brado  |   

two students holding pieces of art
Fine arts major September Sell and business adminstration major Lilli Major with UAA art currently being held in storage in Gordon Hartlieb Hall. (Photo by James Evans / University of Alaska Anchorage)


UAA possesses a remarkable artistic legacy: a diverse and extensive collection reflecting Alaska's vibrant cultural heritage. While this treasure has long resided within the university, the newly established UAA Art Collection Stewardship Fund is ensuring its full potential is realized, making the collection accessible and appreciated by the entire community. This transformation is thanks, in large part, to two dedicated student interns, September Sell and Lilli Major.

Sell and Major embarked on an ambitious project to inventory and manage the collection, a task that  led to the rediscovery of over 430 works of art. Their dedication stems from a deep desire to ensure this art is not only preserved but also understood and celebrated. 

“Our biggest accomplishment so far has been the community engagement during the first phase of this project,” said Sell.”We’ve met with various artists to talk with those who have work displayed on campus, learn how the art came to be there and discover their relationships with UAA.” 

The project's success is a testament to the strong community support, Sell said, stating,  "There is so much love for the UAA community." Major agreed, and said, “The community has been one of our greatest motivations and the art department has given us tremendous support as well.”

Building on previous efforts, focusing on additional detail and context, Sell and Major have worked diligently, facing some inherent challenges along the way. Gathering information proved to be a detailed undertaking.  

"Getting information about pieces’ locations, names of artists and the history of some pieces was difficult, but we’ve pulled together as much information as possible," said Sell. This meticulous research extended to  the Anchorage Museum, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of the collection’s history and significance. Sell and Major also navigated  technical hurdles, adapting resourcefully when software issues arose, demonstrating their resourcefulness and problem-solving skills.

The culmination of their work is now live on the UAA Public Art Gallery web page,  a dynamic online gallery showcasing the collection's breadth and depth.  So far, the gallery includes a dedicated section honoring Indigenous art, a section showcasing campus artwork, outdoor installations as well as 14 diverse collections. 

Christopher McConnell, project manager for the UAA Public Art Stewardship project, and Marya Pillifant, project manager with UAA's Facilities, Planning and Construction, headed the summer inventory project. Pillifant emphasized the fund's crucial role in both the preservation and the dynamic display of art. 

“This fund will support showing and caring for the art,” Pillifant said “UAA has 815 pieces at this time — it’s almost like a secret museum. The goal is to have a beautiful, cared for and well-maintained collection.”  Currently the fund’s focus  is on expanding  the online database, artwork signage and artwork installation costs, as artwork is strategically relocated across campus to create a vibrant and accessible artistic environment.

This revitalized art collection is a testament to the power of collaboration and a commitment to preserving Alaska's cultural heritage. Thanks to the dedication of student interns and the generosity of donors, this burgeoning initiative is not only preserving a rich artistic inheritance but also fostering a vibrant cultural landscape for future generations. 


Learn more about how to help sustain UAA’s art collection. A gift of any size directly supports the preservation, accessibility and community engagement that will make this collection thrive for years to come. Donate at UAA’s Give to Funds page.

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