
CoEng Dean Kenrick Mock is excited to create new opportunities for students


Kenrick Mock was named dean of the College of Engineering. He served as the college's interim dean starting in fall 2018 and as a computer science faculty member since 2000.

Fall semester brings renewed excitement for CBPP Dean John Nofsinger


John Nofsinger was selected as dean of the UAA College of Business and Public Policy. He served as interim dean of CBPP starting in spring 2020 and has served as a professor of finance and the Seward Chair in international finance at UAA.

Register by Aug. 8 to make a difference as a Seawolf Mentor

Have there been moments in your life when you’ve leaned on someone for advice or assistance? Whether that person was a professor, friend, family member or coach, the importance of mentors is undeniable. Mentors help guide, direct and shape your present situation and afford you future opportunities for the better.

College of Arts and Sciences Dean McNulty is focusing on student success


Jenny McNulty, UAA’s new College of Arts and Sciences dean is focusing her attention on student success.

The people’s storyteller

Patricio Espinoza

This year’s Atwood Chair of Journalism, Patricio Espinoza, has a simple goal: to inspire his students to drill down to the simplicity of people’s everyday lives and stories.

Moving at the speed of relationships

Multicultural Student Services director Sara Caldwell-Kan

Meet UAA’s new Multicultural Student Services director Sara Caldwell-Kan and learn how she aims to bridge the gap between student success and student wellness.

Accepting applications for Medical Receptionist: Student Position

The Student Health and Counseling Center is seeking applications from students who have had experience working in a medical setting for the available part-time receptionist position.

Fall 2021: Place course materials on reserve at the library for your students

Now is the time to place course materials on reserve for your students at the UAA/APU Consortium Library. With education costs continuing to rise, considering textbook affordability is an opportunity for us to support our students and course reserves is one way to enhance student success.

Learn 25live! Basic User Training for Faculty & Staff

Learn how to schedule a room on campus for your meeting, event, activity, or gathering in a few quick steps with 25Live, our campus room scheduling program. Whether you've used 25Live before and need a refresher or you've never used it before, this online class taught by Megan Bladow, events manager for Event Services, will help you navigate the program and offer you tips and tricks to make scheduling a breeze.

Campus Kickoff welcomes Seawolves, friends and family

Student Engagement and Inclusion is excited to announce that #CKO21 is open to UAA students, faculty, staff and now… friends and family!

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