
Get active with a variety of fitness and outdoor courses!

The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is excited to be back in person this fall and is offering an array of health, wellness and outdoor courses. Choose from classes such as fitness cross-training, sea kayaking, backpacking, swimming, yoga and much more to get out and get active. For more information on the PER course offerings or for questions about registering, contact

UAA announces new Onboarding Manager

Ahmbra Austin will join us Aug. 2 as the UAA Onboarding Manager, a new term position that will develop a robust onboarding program for UAA employees from the moment an offer is accepted by a new employee through their initial months of employment. There has been strong interest for such a program here at UAA for many years and I am especially appreciative of the UAA Staff Council for advocating for this approach.

'Drop! Cover! Hold on!' during an earthquake

The magnitude 8.2 earthquake off the coast of the Alaska Peninsula this week has served as an opportunity to think about what we should do if such an event happened wherever we are. The UAA Office of Emergency Management (OEM) asks that you remember to “Drop! Cover! Hold on!” — which means we should drop to the floor, duck under a sturdy piece of furniture if possible, and hold on to that desk or table as it moves.

Celebration of Life for Chris Turletes

It is with great sadness that we share that Chris Turletes passed away on July 21 following a hard-fought battle with cancer. He retired in 2017 after 14 years with UAA, much of that time as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities and Campus Services. Following his retirement, he was granted Staff Emeritus status.

Open forums: Alaska Native, Indigenous and Rural Outreach Program Coordinator

Please join the virtual “on-campus” open forums for the two finalists for Alaska Native, Indigenous, and Rural Outreach Program (ANIROP) Coordinator. The ANIROP Coordinator plays a vital role in welcoming and supporting our Alaska Native and Indigenous residents and residents from rural areas.

Public thesis defenses by Evelina Natekin and Kenneth Sparks

Please join M.S. candidate in Biological Sciences, Kenneth Sparks, for a public thesis defense via Zoom beginning at 1 p.m. July 28; and M.S. candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies, Evelina Natekin, for a public thesis defense via Zoom beginning at 8 a.m. July 28.

The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) is seeking applicants for the position of Director

The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) in the College of Business and Public Policy is seeking applications for the position of Director. For 60 years, ISER has been producing research that helps people understand social and economic systems and supports informed public and private decision-making.

Gulf Research of the National Academies awards Hahn $76K grant


Micah Hahn, assistant professor of environmental health in UAA’s Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies, was one of seven recipients awarded an Early-Career Research Fellowship from the Gulf Research Program of the National Academies.

Keep calm and macaron

UAA finance alumnus James Strong, owner of Sweet Caribou

Despite several career changes, finance alumnus James Strong was able to find his calling as the co-founder and owner of Anchorage's first macaron patisserie, Sweet Caribou. And despite the COVID-19 pandemic forcing businesses to stall or close completely, Sweet Caribou found a way to succeed.

Nominations open for UAA’s 2021 Alumni of Distinction Awards

2021 Alumni of Distinction logo

Celebrate the successes of alumni making important contributions in their communities by nominating them for the Alumni of Distinction Awards by Aug. 24! Categories include Alumni Emerging Leader, Alumni Humanitarian and Alumni of Achievement.

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