
Student worker positions at the Consortium Library

The Consortium Library would like to invite all UAA students to apply for the Student Worker B position. As a member of the library team, you can have fun and make money while you earn your degree.

Creating community for female veterans

Mary Louise Rasmuson

As a woman veteran, Vanessa Meade, assistant professor in UAA’s School of Social Work, knows better than most the challenges women who’ve served face once returning to civilian life. She's coordinating Operation Mary Louise, a project dedicated to making space and connecting female veterans to resources in Alaska.

A sky-high partnership


UAA and the Anchorage School District unveil a new partnership between King Tech High School and the Community & Technical College’s Aviation Technology Division to provide high school students with the opportunity to earn their private pilot license.

There’s never been a better time to attend UAA

UAA students take notes in Dr. Veronica Howard's Intro to Behavior Analysis (PSY A200) course.

"In my 29 years working at UAA, I can say with certainty there has never been a better time to attend UAA than right now," notes Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Bruce Schultz as he highlights new student success initiatives at UAA, such as Seawolf Mentor and CircleIn, that ensure students have easy access to academic and personnel support services whenever they may need it.

UAA announces CBPP dean; director of Multicultural Student Services

We are so pleased to announce new leadership hires for both UAA academic and student services positions.

UAA offers flat-rate tuition for military students

Air Force Master Sergeant and UAA Student Shawn Mackey listens as Professor Eric Murphy reviews material for the final during Psychology of Learning and Cognition (PSY A355) in UAA's Social Sciences Building.

This fall, UAA is making a flat $250 per undergraduate credit hour tuition rate available for active duty, reserves and national guard members who use Armed Forces tuition assistance — meaning their courses and some fees will now be fully covered by Armed Forces tuition assistance.

Fellowship opportunities at the Arctic Domain Awareness Center (ADAC)

The Arctic Domain Awareness Center's Workforce Development Fellowship Program is looking for two new undergraduate students from the University of Alaska to join this year's program, July 2021-June 2022.

Student job opportunity - College of Business and Public Policy

The College of Business and Public Policy (CBPP) is seeking student employees to assist in the Office of the Dean. This is an excellent opportunity for students to work directly with management staff and economics, accounting, marketing, etc. faculty and gain resume-worthy credentials while being allowed the flexibility to excel in their classes.

Thesis Defense: 'Regional Scale Tectonic Features at Argadnel Regio and Agenor Linea, Europa: Evidence in Support of a Plate Tectonic Paradigm'

Please join M.S. candidate in Applied Geological Sciences, Charlene Detelich, for a public thesis defense via Zoom beginning at 11 a.m. July 12.

Register for Campus Kickoff 2021

Student Engagement and Inclusion is proud to present Campus Kickoff on campus at the Alaska Airlines Center (AAC) Plaza on Aug. 21, 2021 from 1 - 4pm. Learn more about what to expect at #CKO21 at Registration is Open! Registration is now open to UAA departments and student organizations eager to host a table at UAA's fall welcome event. Please register by August 15, 2021. #CKO21 Town Hall Join the planning team on Thursday, July 15 at 1pm to offer feedback, ask questions and address concerns about #CKO21. The online Town Hall is open to all UAA students, faculty, staff and alumni, but please register to receive the link in advance. We can’t wait to be back on campus, building community in the space outside the AAC. Questions in the meantime? Contact

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