
'They Say They Have Ears Through the Ground'

Please join Calista Education and Culture and UAA Native Student Services as we host a Reading and Discussion about the newly released book: Nunakun-gguq Ciutengqertut/They Say They Have Ears Through the Ground: Animal Essays from Southwest Alaska. Presenters include: Mark John, Alice Rearden, and Ann Fienup-Riorden.

Local Climate Change Solutions: Land Use and Transportation Panel

Alaska Common Ground in partnership with UAA/APU Books of the Year is continuing our conversation about Anchorage’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) with a series exploring the sectors found in the CAP and going into more depth on how to engage our community in working together towards the goals found in the CAP. This will be an opportunity to inform residents and businesses, and all interested Alaskans are welcome to join us.

Winterfest is here — FREE T-shirts, cash prizes and ski discounts!

Please consider inviting students to go to this year's Winterfest, done in concert with Student Activities and Commuter Programs, and the UAA Alumni Association. Check out the free t-shirts, $100 cash prizes, fun activities and great discounts you and your students can participate in!

UA Interim President Pat Pitney outlines university success, emphasizes stability and a bright future in State of the University address

University of Alaska Interim President Pat Pitney delivered the annual State of the University address Wednesday, Feb. 24 during which she highlighted success stories across the UA system and the many ways the university benefits the economic needs of the state.

Educators Rising Alaska conference scheduled for Feb. 28–March 1

Educators Rising Alaska will host its annual conference virtually Feb. 28-March 1. The theme for this year’s EdRisingAK is “Rising Above Adversity.” EdRisingAK seeks to support middle school through collegiate students as they become Alaska educators.

Job opening: Student worker positions at the Consortium Library

The Consortium Library would like to invite all UAA students to apply for the Student Worker B position. You will be part of a team that fosters an inclusive, welcoming, and respectful campus community. The library promotes diversity, civility, equity, inclusion, and an appreciation for each unique member of our academic community. Apply online at If you are a UAA Club/Organization Advisor, please share this with your members.

UAA achieves bronze-level recognition as Military Friendly School

Man hoists miniature American flag at UAA Veterans Day Celebration at the Alaska Airlines Center on Nov. 11, 2019

UAA has earned the 2021–22 Bronze Military Friendly School designation. This marks the 13th consecutive year UAA has been recognized as Military Friendly and the university's first time earning bronze-level distinction.

The learning objectives at UAA's core

Health Sciences sophomore Megan Washington studies in the UAA Spine in February 2020.

A key purpose of institutional accreditation is to answer a deceptively simple question: How do we know our students are learning what we believe they’re learning? This question is at the root of UAA’s culture of continuous growth and improvement — and, like so many complex questions, the answer requires input from our entire community.

UAA Diversity Action Council announces Student Diversity Award recipients

The 2020 Student Diversity Award Scholarship recipients

The 19 Student Diversity Award Scholarship recipients significantly enhance diversity at UAA by increasing visibility, creating a welcoming environment and representing student voices through their advocacy.

UA Board of Regents to decide on UAA athletic programs and hear from Gov. Mike Dunleavy during Feb. 25-26 meeting

Meeting of the full board to discuss issues including UAA athletics, the Alaska College of Education, board goals and measures, and to hear committee reports and updates from UA Interim President Pat Pitney, university chancellors, and governance groups. Regents also will be given an in-depth look at the College of Health through a “Did You Know” video and presentation on the overall success of health programs.

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