
Special delivery: UAA’s AHEC Scholars Program partners with Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield to deliver baby boxes

UAA AHEC Scholars

UAA’s Alaska Area Health Education Center Scholars Program partnered with Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield to distribute baby boxes to new parents in rural communities across Alaska.

UAA Student Activities and Commuter Programs evetns for February 2020

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Take a look at what UAA Student Activities and Commuter Programs has planned for this month. Most events are free for UAA students.

'Program Review: Supporting Our Students' sessions for faculty and staff

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Please join Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Bruce Schultz and the Academic Student Response Team for a session on supporting our students through the program review process. Opportunities to attend Feb. 10, 11 and 12.

'Program Review: Supporting Our Students' sessions for faculty and staff — special sessions added for advisors

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Please join Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Bruce Schultz and the Academic Student Response Team for a session on supporting our students through the program review process. Opportunities to attend Feb. 10, 11 and 12.

Want to make your online course more engaging?

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The Improving Your Online Course (IYOC) workshop explores the Quality Matters Rubric and provides a framework to improve the quality of online and blended courses. Participants use the rubric to review their own online/blended course and develop a course improvement plan.

AI&e offers free video captioning for faculty

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Academic Innovations & eLearning is thrilled to offer all UAA faculty access to video captioning for course video at no cost to you or your department. Captioning will be done by humans to the 99 percent level through 3Play Media.

Recruiting Summer 2020 Orientation (Wolf Pack) Leaders

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Are you interested or do you know someone who would be a great addition to the Orientation (Wolf Pack) Leader team? We are hiring the Summer 2020 Wolf Pack team.

Thawing relations: How climate change shapes Canada's national security in the Arctic and Pacific Northwest

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Miriam Matejova (economist, Environment Canada; fellow, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University) will discuss how climate changes have shifted Canadian perceptions of security in the North and how these changes may affect Alaska.

Jan. 31, 2020: Showcase on UAA teaching and research on climate change

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Climate change is the key issue of our era. Addressing climate change is an “all hands on deck!” situation. Come hear how faculty across the disciplines are taking steps to address climate change by including this critical issue in their classes and/or conducting research. All are welcome.

UAA Surplus Sale — Jan. 31, 2020

UAA Surplus Sale: Electronics, furniture and more!

The next UAA Surplus Sale will be open to the public on Friday, Jan. 31, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UAA Warehouse. Don't miss great deals on electronics, furniture and more!

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