
In a 1,000-mile bike race, the biking is the easy part

Nome finish

UAA’s College of Engineering facilities manager Kim Riggs competed in the Iditarod Trail Invitational 1,000-mile bike race. It was a 21-day trek that tested her physical and mental strength to cycle through some of Alaska’s most challenging wilderness.

At your service


Reid Brewer, former director of University of Alaska Southeast’s Fisheries Technology program, will become UAA’s Kachemak Bay Campus director come June. The professor and marine biologist has dedicated his career to connecting the communities he’s lived in through education.

All-women rocketry team breaking more than just the sound barrier at NASA competition


Nine months of hard work will culminate this weekend when a team of UAA engineers travel to Minnesota to launch a rocket capable of reaching the speed of sound.

Naomi Everett heads to the Northwest Arctic Borough


Advocacy opportunity: Time to contact the Governor


Since the UA budget news coming from the Legislative Conference Committee remains positive, it is now time to contact the Governor’s Office. Show your support, tell your story and advocate against further cuts to UA’s budget.

Flagstad rejoins ski staff


FY20 Benefits Open Enrollment ends May 10, 2019


UA Blackboard Learn outage scheduled for May 10, 2019


The Capitol Report 5/10/19: Budget Conference Committee Convenes


Wendy Williamson Auditorium named best live music venue in Alaska by TravelPulse


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