
Faculty invited to forums with UAA Chief of Police candidates March 25–29


2019 State of the University address

Please join UA President Jim Johnsen for the State of the University address on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, at 1 p.m. Livestream available at

Public comment period for draft Anchorage Climate Action Plan open through March 31, 2019

Please check out the draft Anchorage Climate Action Plan and share your thoughts. The public comment period is open through March 31, 2019.

Bookshelves and jewelry box for sale


The Mongolia connection


On Feb. 28, 2019, John Duffy, adjunct professor in UAA’s College of Business and Public Policy, was awarded an honorary doctorate degree from the National University of Mongolia — an honor that was born out of his volunteerism and assistance in facilitating a partnership agreement between UAA and NUM.

Spectra Academic Scholarship now accepting applications through April 1, 2019

The Alaska Airlines Center is pleased to offer a collegiate scholarship of $1,250 each to two UAA students! Applications due by April 1, 2019.

Apply for Alaska Airlines ticket vouchers by March 22, 2019

UAA departments are invited to submit a project proposal that could benefit from the use of Alaska Airlines ticket vouchers. Apply by March 22, 2019.

University of Alaska Student Success Convening - March 22, 2019


JCPenney Suit-Up - March 24, 2019


Geology senior nears graduation after 14 years of effort and adversity


For 14 years, Geology Club secretary Gabrielle Bejarano has pursued her goal of a college degree. But she hasn't let her busy life as a mother and military spouse keep her from making the most of UAA.

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