
Video: Exploring petroleum alternatives using CRISPR


James Wilson’s time at UAA has been about breaking new ground. The only researcher in Alaska currently using the revolutionary CRISPR gene editing technique, he recently became the first to produce an important petrochemical using E. coli bacteria.

Automotive dealers bring Chrysler training to Alaska


Alaska's five Chrysler dealerships—in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Soldotna and Wasilla—are jointly funding a new program that brings company-specific training to UAA, providing more opportunities for students and more access for current technicians across the state.

Procurement Services afternoon closure scheduled for Nov. 17, 2017


Dean Paul Layer appointed interim vice president for academic and student affairs for UA System


UA Board of Regents approves FY19 budget requests with emphasis on strategic investments, approves tuition increases

Acknowledging the University of Alaska's important role in building the state's economy and future workforce, the University of Alaska Board of Regents approved an FY19 operating budget that includes funding for a range of key strategic investments and tuition increases for academic years (AY) 2019 and 2020 at its recent meeting in Anchorage.

Nov. 17, 2017: Going away party for Marnie Kaler

After 13 years of service at UAA, Marnie Kaler is moving on to her new position as Director of Recruitment, Admissions and Advising at UAS.

How UAA’s Justice Information Center is using data to help policymakers


Since the mid-2000s, policymakers in Alaska and nationwide are looking to make better informed decisions on policy regarding criminal justice reform. That is where UAA’s Alaska Justice Information Center comes in—an independent research center to provide data for lawmakers, to help them make evidence-based decisions on policy statewide.

Nov. 17, 2017: How does human development influence black bear behavior and demography?


UAA's Dance in Performance takes center stage Nov. 15–19, 2017


Diversity in choreographic styles and movement ideas distinguishes this popular production. The Harper Studio theater will be bursting with energy as the next generation of Alaskan contemporary choreographers share eight dynamic dances in an evening packed with creative innovation and over two dozen performers.

Dec. 7, 2017: UAA Wind Ensemble presents an evening of beautiful orchestral music


For this concert, Wind Ensemble will join forces with UAA's Sinfonia to bring you an evening filled to the rafters with beautiful orchestral music. Tickets are on sale now for this Dec. 7, 2017 performance.

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