
Save money, time and stress with Zimride. Learn more at Oct. 11, 2017 webinar.


Want to know more about Zimride? Join us Oct. 11, 2017 for a webinar about how you can save money, time and stress by using UAA Zimride.

Oct. 11, 2017: Global Opportunities Expo

Don’t miss the Global Opportunities Expo this Wednesday, Oct. 11! Explore exchange and study-away opportunities for UAA students at this free event.

With an impending nursing shortage, UAA’s School of Nursing steps up to the plate


Guided by feedback from industry leaders, UAA’s School of Nursing is working to expand the program’s statewide reach with increased faculty and more robust satellite campus programs.

Oct. 12, 2017: A Cappella Festivella featuring The House Jacks


Don't miss the 24th annual A Cappella Festivella, featuring The House Jacks, Oct. 12 at the Wendy Williamson. Tickets on sale now at

Music faculty collaborate for one-night only concert Oct. 21, 2017

This special performance brings together many of our renowned music faculty members into a single program. While collaboration among faculty members in concerts occurs regularly, it's never all in one night. This special evening is not to be missed.

West Campus parking will be impacted by 2017 Fall Career Fair


Alumni of Distinction: Cessilye Williams '02

2017 Alumni Humanitarian recipient Cessilye Williams, principal at Clark Middle School in Anchorage. (Photo by Phil Hall / University of Alaska Anchorage)

As principal of the most diverse middle school in the nation, Williams encourages and inspires nearly 1,000 students each year. Alaska’s principal of the year for 2015-2016, Williams has built unique, purposeful learning pathways—including several UAA-partnered academies—for her Mountain View students.

Alumni of Distinction: Timothy Gravel ’90

Gravel has kept Kaladi Brothers grounded on its road to expansion without losing sight of its "catalyst for community" mission. The company had one café and six employees, all fun-loving 20-somethings with a gift-giving habit, when Gravel joined more than 20 years ago. Today, he leads more than 200 employees, roasting 1.2 million pounds of coffee each year, at 15 cafes and one restaurant across the Pacific Northwest.

Oct. 10, 2017: Backbenchers' Bowl debate tackles the motion, 'Hate speech should be criminalized'


Watch as the alumni of Seawolf Debate team take on the best of this generation's debaters in our annual alumni vs. varsity scrimmage, the Backbenchers' Bowl!

Alumni of Distinction: Michelle Sloper ’08

Since earning her Ph.D., Sloper has been making a nationwide difference from her hometown of Haines. As a professional evaluator, Sloper partners with community-based programs across the country to assess and improve their impact. Whether she’s guiding grad students at Claremont or developing a program’s impact elsewhere, Sloper is personally and professionally invested in helping others achieve.

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