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Your Vote is Your Voice! Be heard through UAA Votes 

A non-partisan campus collaboration, UAAVotes aims to elevate civic engagement at UAA through education, engagement and events!

UAA Votes November 2022

Upcoming general election is November 8th, 2022. 

UAA Student Union will be a voting location come November 8, 2022. Check your polling location here

Take a look at candidates and their stances on issues here 

Your Vote, Your Voice

The democratic process matters; whether elections are national or local, every vote counts. 

Whether you're voting for the first time or the tenth, you may find information about how to vote hard to find. Here, we boil down the details so you can vote with confidence. 

Ballot and Rank Choice Voting

Ballot: Look at a sample ballot here for the General Election 2022.

This upcoming election will be ranked choice voting. If you’ve voted before, this might be different from the kind of voting you’ve done in the past. This new method was chosen by voters in 2020. 

Instead of choosing the single best candidate, you will rank candidates from most preferred to least preferred. You do not have to rank all candidates, and there is a write-in option as well. 

There are rounds in this voting method. In Round One, all first choice candidates are counted - if ANY candidate gets 50% + 1 vote, they win and counting stops.

If no one gets 50% + 1 in Round One, Round Two begins. The candidate with the fewest votes gets eliminated, and if you voted for that candidate, your vote gets moved to your second choice candidate (if you selected one). If your first choice candidate is not eliminated, your vote stays with them. Votes are again counted. If a candidate gets 50% + 1 in Round Two, they win. If not, this process continues (removing the lowest vote getter, and retabulating vote counts with third/fourth/fifth choice candidates as needed) until ANY candidate gets 50% + 1 to win the election.

Rank choice voting gives people agency with voting, in that it allows people to choose candidates without worrying about splitting votes, and therefore better represents the views of the people. It can also help to disrupt the traditional two party system that many don’t find themselves represented within.




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