Dates and deadlines shown below are for regular, semester-length courses.
Priority Registration
Date |
Registration Event |
Spring 2025 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
UAA graduate students
UAA seniors (90+ credits)
UAA juniors (60-89 credits)
UAA sophomores (30-59 credits)
UAA freshmen (0-29 credits)
Open registration
Dates and Deadlines
For classes with irregular start or end dates, the drop with 100% refund period ends at 5pm five business days after the published class start day. Students wishing to change from credit-to-audit must do so by the end of that drop period.
Date |
Deadline |
Instruction begins
Add/drop period begins Credit-to-audit period begins Registration begins for senior citizens using tuition waivers
No class day - Alaska Civil Rights Day and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - UAA closed
Instructor approval required to add classes
Add/drop deadline for 100% refund Credit/no-credit deadline Credit-to-audit deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal period begins online (Withdrawing does not result in a refund)
5 pm: Payment deadline, $125 late fee assessed
Summer 2025 class schedule is viewable in UAOnline
No class days - spring break
UAA closed
Deadline to register for independent and directed studies; practicum, internship, research; and continuous registration - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
5 pm: $175 late payment fee assessed to those with outstanding balance
Withdrawal deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Deadline to apply for spring graduation and be included in the commencement program
Fall 2025 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
Deadline to apply for spring graduation and walk in the commencement ceremony
Deadline to apply for Summer 2025 Reinstatement
Final exams
Graduate Degree Hooding Ceremony for Spring 2025 Graduates
1 pm: Commencement for Spring 2025 graduates
Grades available in UAOnline
Priority Registration
Date |
Registration Event |
Summer 2025 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
UAA certificate and degree-seeking students
Open registration
Dates and Deadlines
For classes with irregular start/end dates (different from the three sessions listed below):
- Add/drop deadline is five business days after published class start date
- Classes with start date prior to June held to first withdrawal deadline
- Classes with start date on or after June 1 held to second withdrawal deadline
Late-starting classes and miscellaneous charges after the payment deadline should be paid when the charge is incurred and are subject to any subsequent late fee assessments during the term.
10-week Session |
1st 5-week Session |
2nd 5-week Session |
Deadline |
Classes held
Instructor approval required to add classes
Memorial Day - UAA closed, no class day
Add/drop period ends Deadline to drop for 100% refund Credit-to-audit deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal period begins (withdrawing does not result in a refund)
Independence Day - UAA closed, no class day
Deadline to register for independent and directed studies; practicum, internship, research, thesis, and continuous registration - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
5 pm: Payment deadline, $125 late fee assessed
Summer graduation application deadline
Deadline to apply for Fall 2025 Reinstatement
5 pm: $175 late payment fee assessed to those with outstanding balance
Grades available in UAOnline
Priority Registration
Date |
Registration Event |
Fall 2025 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
UAA graduate students
UAA seniors (90+ credits)
UAA juniors (60-89 credits)
UAA sophomores (30-59 credits)
UAA freshmen (0-29 credits)
Open registration
Dates and Deadlines
For classes with irregular start or end dates, the drop with 100% refund period ends at 5pm five business days after the published class start day. Students wishing to change from credit-to-audit must do so by the end of that drop period.
Date |
Deadline |
Instruction begins
Add/drop period begins Credit-to-audit period begins Registration begins for senior citizens using tuition waivers
No class day - Labor Day - UAA closed
Instructor approval required to add classes
Add/drop deadline for 100% refund Credit/no-credit deadline Credit-to-audit deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal period begins (Withdrawing does not result in a refund)
5 pm: Payment deadline, $125 late fee assessed
Deadline to register for independent and directed studies; practicum, internship, research; and continuous registration - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Spring 2026 class schedule is viewable in UAOnline
Withdrawal deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
5 pm: $175 late payment fee assessed to those with outstanding balance
Priority registration period for Spring 2026. See Spring 2026 tab for more specific dates.
Deadline to apply for fall graduation and be included in the commencement program
No class day - UAA open
No class days - Fall Break - UAA closed
Deadline to apply for fall graduation
Final exams
Deadline to apply for Spring 2026 Reinstatement
Graduate Hooding Ceremony for Summer and Fall 2025 Graduates
1 pm: Commencement for Summer and Fall 2025 graduates
Grades available in UAOnline
No class days - Winter break - UAA closed
Priority Registration
Date |
Registration Event |
Spring 2026 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
UAA graduate students
UAA seniors (90+ credits)
UAA juniors (60-89 credits)
UAA sophomores (30-59 credits)
UAA freshmen (0-29 credits)
Open registration
Dates and Deadlines
For classes with irregular start or end dates, the drop with 100% refund period ends at 5pm five business days after the published class start day. Students wishing to change from credit-to-audit must do so by the end of that drop period.
Date |
Deadline |
Instruction begins
Add/drop period begins Credit-to-audit period begins Registration begins for senior citizens using tuition waivers
No class day - Alaska Civil Rights Day and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - UAA closed
Faculty approval required to add classes
Add/drop deadline for 100% refund Credit/no-credit deadline Credit-to-audit deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal period begins online (Withdrawing does not result in a refund)
5 pm: Payment deadline, $125 late fee assessed
Summer 2026 class schedule is viewable in UAOnline
No class days - spring break
UAA closed
Deadline to register for independent and directed studies; practicum, internship, research, thesis and open-entry courses; and continuous registration - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
5 pm: $175 late payment fee assessed to those with outstanding balance
Withdrawal deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Deadline to apply for spring graduation and be included in the commencement program
Fall 2026 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
Deadline to apply for Summer 2026 Reinstatement
Deadline to apply for spring graduation and walk in the commencement ceremony
Final exams
Graduate Degree Hooding Ceremony for Spring 2026 Graduates
1 pm: Commencement for Spring 2026 graduates
Grades available in UAOnline
Priority Registration
Date |
Registration Event |
Summer 2026 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
UAA certificate and degree-seeking students
Open registration
Dates and Deadlines
For classes with irregular start/end dates (different from the three sessions listed below):
- Add/drop deadline is five business days after published class start date
- Classes with start date prior to June held to first withdrawal deadline
- Classes with start date on or after June 1 held to second withdrawal deadline
Late-starting classes and miscellaneous charges after the payment deadline should be paid when the charge is incurred and are subject to any subsequent late fee assessments during the term.
10-week Session |
1st 5-week Session |
2nd 5-week Session |
Deadline |
Classes held
Faculty approval needed to add classes
Memorial Day - UAA closed, no class day
Add/drop period ends Deadline to drop for 100% refund Credit-to-audit deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal period begins (withdrawing does not result in a refund)
Independence Day - UAA closed, no class day
Deadline to register for independent and directed studies; practicum, internship, research, thesis, and open-entry courses, and continuous registration - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
5 pm: Payment deadline, $125 late fee assessed
Summer graduation application deadline
Deadline to apply for Fall 2026 reinstatement
5 pm: $175 late payment fee assessed to those with outstanding balance
Grades available in UAOnline
Priority Registration
Date |
Registration Event |
Fall 2026 class schedule viewable in UAOnline
UAA graduate students
UAA seniors (90+ credits)
UAA juniors (60-89 credits)
UAA sophomores (30-59 credits)
UAA freshmen (0-29 credits)
Open registration
Dates and Deadlines
For classes with irregular start or end dates, the drop with 100% refund period ends at 5pm five business days after the published class start day. Students wishing to change from credit-to-audit must do so by the end of that drop period.
Date |
Deadline |
Instruction begins
Add/drop period begins Credit-to-audit period begins Registration begins for senior citizens using tuition waivers
Faculty approval required to add classes
Add/drop deadline for 100% refund Credit/no-credit deadline Credit-to-audit deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal period begins (Withdrawing does not result in a refund)
No class day - Labor Day - UAA closed
5 pm: Payment deadline, $125 late fee assessed
Deadline to register for independent and directed studies; practicum, internship, research, thesis and open-entry courses; and continuous registration - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
Withdrawal deadline - 5 pm: Deadline to make changes in person
- 11:59 pm: Deadline to make changes in UAOnline
5 pm: $175 late payment fee assessed to those with outstanding balance
Deadline to apply for fall graduation and be included in the commencement program
No class day - UAA open
No class days - Fall Break - UAA closed
Deadline to apply for fall graduation
Final day of instruction
Final exams
Deadline to apply for Spring 2026 Reinstatement
Graduate Degree Hooding Ceremony for Summer and Fall 2026 Graduates
1 pm: Commencement for Summer and Fall 2026 graduates
Grades available in UAOnline
No class days - Winter break - UAA closed
The university reserves the right to change or cancel classes; to change the fees,
rules and calendar for admissions, registration, instruction and graduation; and to
change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.