Accreditation Equals Credibility

Accreditation matters! Accreditation by AACSB International – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business – promotes continuous quality improvement in management education. AACSB-accredited schools are recognized as the top business schools in the world. Their degree programs have passed rigorous standards for quality. AACSB-accredited schools have better programs, better faculty, better students, and more international students. More employers recruit from AACSB-accredited schools, and graduates receive better salaries.


AACSB accreditation ensures that the UAA College of Business and Public Policy provides a rigorous, credible, and competitive education. It also assures employers that CBPP graduates are ready to perform on day one. AACSB accreditation attracts high quality faculty and students by enhancing the reputation of the institution and graduates' degrees.

The AACSB was established in 1916, as a membership organization for business schools—a place to network and discuss issues that affect the business education industry and their institutions. The AACSB adopted its first Accreditation Standards in 1919, with the primary objective of improving collegiate business education. Throughout the years, both the AACSB Business and Accounting Accreditation Standards have been continually revised to reflect the ever-changing needs of business and its students. Today, universities use the AACSB Accreditation Standards as the basis for evaluating their mission, operations, faculty qualifications and contributions, programs, and other critical areas.

The following programs are included in the AACSB Accreditation: BA Economics, BBA Accounting, BBA Economics, BBA Finance, BBA Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, BBA Management (including the Property Management and Real Estate concentration), BBA Management Information Systems, BBA Marketing, MBA General Management, and MS Global Supply Chain Management.