Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Alaska Comprehensive Forensic Training Academy (ACFTA)?

ACTFA is a program that promotes forensic training for nurses and health care providers to build capacity for communities to respond to all types of violence. ACFTA is a partnership between the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA), the University of Alaska Anchorage College of Health, and the Alaska Nurses Association (AaNA).

Why is this course important to Alaskans?

Alaska has the highest rates of interpersonal violence in the country. While Alaska currently has dedicated response systems for sexual assault, we need a broader focus on comprehensive assessment and care of all victims of violence. Many nurses and providers want to have stronger knowledge and skill levels to respond to patients who have violence/trauma backgrounds. Law enforcement and the legal system need stronger documentation and assessment of patients who have experienced violence.

Who can take the ACFTA training course?
The course is designed for a broad range of  health care professionals seeking to increase their ability to provide evidencebased and trauma-informed care to individuals and communities that have experienced violence.

How is the ACFTA training program delivered? 
The ACFTA training has both an online and in-person component. The first 24 hours of the training is conducted online and is self-paced. The second 24 hours of the training program is conducted in-person. All training modules were developed by nationally recognized educators and researchers in the fields of sexual assault, domestic violence, strangulation, elder abuse, and pediatric sexual/physical abuse. 

Who developed the ACFTA Course?

All training modules were developed by nationally recognized educators and researchers in the fields of sexual assault, domestic violence, strangulation, elder abuse, and pediatric sexual/physical abuse.

How much does this course cost?

The course if free.

How do I register for the course?

There is a two-step process for registereing. Learn more here.