Let's Talk About Sexual Health, Alaska
Master of Public Health student highlights the importance of inclusive education and accessible resources in improving sexual health for Alaskans.
Alaska Center for Rural Health and Health Workforce
The Alaska Center for Rural Health & Health Workforce (ACRH-HW) is dedicated to strengthening Alaska’s health workforce, with a focus on rural communities and addressing workforce shortages. The Center oversees various programs, including the Alaska Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), which operate through six regional community-based centers across the state. As part of the University of Alaska Anchorage's role as the state's health campus, the Center supports health program planning, community partnerships, and intercampus collaboration. It provides a statewide framework to support health workforce development, from career exploration and training to continuing education.
NEWS & Stories
Upcoming Events
Contact Us:
Fax: (907) 786-6573
Email: uaa_ahec@alaska.edu
UAA Center for Rural Health & Health Workforce
1901 Bragaw Street, Suite 250
Anchorage, AK 99508
Mailing Address:
UAA Center for Rural Health & Health Workforce
3211 Providence Drive, BOC3-250
Anchorage, AK 99508