Default Dates


Objective Selection Form (OSF)      

Open: March 9, 2020

Close: May 6, 2020

Diagnostic Feedback Instrument (Student Survey)       

Open: April 20, 2020

Close: May 6, 2020

Please note that after student survey forms are distributed, no questions can be added to surveys (November 25, 2019)


 More information on dates

OSFs can be completed to customize course objectives and add custom questions. Need more information on how to use the OSF? Students will automatically gain access to surveys in sections where faculty did not take active steps to control the survey dates. 
Note: changing the availability of the BlackBoard link does not change when the survey opens and closes.

These are the default dates for surveys. Faculty can change these dates so check with your instructor if you are unable to access your survey during this time. You can also get help accessing your survey by contacting us.